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In The Zone

In their apartment, Edmund and Morty sit together on the couch, the smaller rabbitkin laying on top of the large tigerkin. Strong, stripped arms held him firm, but gently. On the other side of the room, an illusion projector is playing, showing a projection some program. Neither of them could say what it was about, the dialog just audible enough to serve as background noise and their attention more focused on each other.

Morty: “Y’know, Ed. It’s almost funny how different you are with me than you are when you’re training.”

Ed: “Watdaya mean, Morty? I’m the same guy either way.”

Morty: “You get so intense, like a complete different person.”

Ed: “C’mon, Mort. Someone woulda told me if I was freakin’ them out that bad… right?”

All the willpower in the world could do nothing to suppress the chuckle that Mortimer let out.

Ed: “Right?”

While I was still finishing The Case of the Titan Syndicate, I was also stockpiling commissions in the background. One of them was this piece from Backcat, back in April of 2024. With the tale finished, and the archive project still underway, I was relying on those to pepper my gallery and keep myself at least writing small vignettes and snippets.

I was able to hold onto this particular piece for a long time, until September of the same year, and use it for this little scene with everyone’s favorite couple. Sometimes a little bit of comedy goes a long way.

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