Azurium, the Monster Wrangler
On Detective Enigma’s suggestion, now free to make his own life choices, Bartholomew Azurium joined the forest rangers of Magistrum City. His old training, combined with his enhanced titan physique, meant that he adapted to the rigors of the job quickly.
Rangers of the Magistrum have two primary assignments. The first one is to escort anyone lost in the surrounding regions to the safety of the city walls, where they can be treated to a warm meal and a medic capable of tending to any injuries they sustained out in the wilds. This doesn’t happen too often, since most people out in the wild have earned the right to be by completing their self-defense training, but when it does it’s a priority.
The second, and more daily concern of the ranger corp is to manage and regulate the ecosystem of the wilderness within Magistrum territory. Most of their time is spent monitoring beast populations, plant life, and mineral deposits to ensure that they are hunting/harvesting sustainably. It’s easy to overlook their role, but their work allows the Magistrum to maintain a steady supply of the meat and materials that keep society going and pantries stocked.
This also means that when a predator population grows too out of hand, or an invasive species threatens the sustainability of the system, they are tasked with taking preventative measures. And while he enjoys the day-to-day work, Azurium will happily tell you that this tends to be his favorite part of the job.
The monster thought it was the new top of the food chain, and it was sorely mistaken.
A bit a world-building to go with our character development, as this piece goes, lovingly illustrated with a YCH from Marsel-Defender back in November of 2023.
Though I had talked about the Magistrum Ranger Corp before this, I hadn’t actually outlined their purpose and duties. Since this was to be Azurium’s new profession, it was important to establish both of those things here. Any ranger would be equipped to handle a problem like this, but if you have someone like Azurium in your employ, you might as well use him.
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January 20, 2025 at 10:05 pm