Enigma, the Technical Mind
I've had this idea stewing in my head for a while now, and the piece I got from LittleBadWolf was the perfect art to use for it. Kaito Bane of Nightmares is the latest example, but there are more than a few Planeswalkers and Planeswalker support...
March 8, 2025
The View is Always Better From the Rooftops
A truism of the trade is that if one want to remain undetected, their best bet is to get as high off the ground as they can. This is because the vast majority of people rarely, if ever, look up. And by raising oneself above...
Teach Said Knock You Out
"I've gone to watch a few of his matches. It's clear that he's having fun in his own way. As to your question, as long as it doesn't distract from his studies and he keeps out of trouble, I don't truly care what Edmund does...