Decisive Action
"That's impossible." Enigma's ears and tail stood up on end as the alarm began to sound. Knowing his powers aren't effective against cameras and video recordings, he took the extra precaution to scout and study the offices his client asked him to break into. Whatever the...
In Captivity – Part 1(/3)
As part of my writing marathon in June of 2023, as I was eager to proceed forwards, towards the conclusion of "The Case of the Titan Syndicate", I realized that the story of Volpes and Azurium's rehabilitation was around the same length as Night of...
You Think You Stand A Chance!?
As decreed by Enigma, the New Oplentian Empire has one law that trumps all others: The right to rule goes to the strongest, and their word is law. And with the construction of the arena, anyone is welcome to challenge the Emperor, and try to...
Let the Games Begin!
After establishing the New Oplentian Empire, and beginning the process of converting the people of the city into loyal titan soldiers, one of Emperor Enigma's earliest decrees was the establishment of a colosseum. There, titans could compete and spar against each other both for personal...
A New Trailblazer
By the time this piece, illustrated with one of LittleBadWolf's YCHs back in July of 2023, was started, I had already decided that I would turn the friendship I had been developing with Edmund and Mortimer into a relationship. And in that context, I had...
Crossing the Line
"They did say only the detectives were allowed to pass, though I doubt this is what they had in mind." Even this unfamiliar plane, with its hustle and bustle, and its technological advances compared to his own, is rife with the same familiar problems. "And I thought...
The Prisons We Make
After Night of Revelations was finally out in the open in May of 2024, I knew I wanted to capitalize on the momentum and continue the story. Thus, I chose to take one of my free weekends in May to continue the tale with this...
Recruitment Drive
"My friends, this is a momentous day. Though you have all come to me for your own reasons, we are united in purpose: To topple the corruption that rests at the heart of our fair Oplentis. And to serve that purpose, you must be tough...
Night of Revelation – Part 3(/3)
When I say LittleBadWolf is always open for a commission, I mean it. They're one of the most dependable artists I know, so I was happy to go to them for this final chapter of Night of Revelation. Our heroes, having dealt with their respective villains,...
Look At That View
Enigma was always a fairly athletic person. It comes with the territory when one spends most of their time traveling from one place to another, always on the move. And whenever he arrives at a new and unfamiliar place, one of the first things he likes...